Transforming society through teaching English

Cidadão Pró-Mundo promotes opportunities for social inclusion and integration for young people in public schools in Brazil, through free English lessons.

We are more than 1,300 volunteers working to ensure that 2,300 young people from public schools can have access to learning English.

We believe that learning another language can be a lever in the personal and professional development of citizens, and can transform society.

Seja um volunteer no Cidadão Pró-Mundo

Our values

Be part of it

You can choose between: teaching English (in the regular course or in the CPM Qualify course where we prepare students for the Cambridge proficiency exams) or working in the administrative team of the Teaching Units

Study at CPM

Cidadão Pró-Mundo’s English courses are completely free and include teaching materials from the University of Cambridge (one of the best in the world).


As a CPM volunteer , you can choose to teach English or be part of the administrative team at the Teaching Units, on the regular English course or on CPM Qualify, our preparatory course for Cambridge proficiency exams.

Our impact

teaching Units
students per year
+ 0 k
teaching materials distributed
0 k

Our method

At CPM, we follow a clear and robust methodology in which students complement important grammar and vocabulary with everyday expressions and useful language. We use a variety of methods to encourage students to listen, speak, read and write, and we hope that they will leave the course feeling confident about facing the wider world through English.

Class schedule

The courses are divided into semester modules, once a week on Saturdays or Sundays, 2 hours in the online model or 3 hours in the in-person model.


Our students finish the regular course with an intermediate English level of B1, and can obtain the official Cambridge Certificate after studying for another year at CPM Qualify.

Specialized Volunteers

CPM volunteers have an intermediate/ advanced level of English and receive the necessary preparation to work in the classroom: training, lesson plans, suppport from the teaching team and cutting-edge teaching materials provided by Cambridge.

Acting responsibly

Volunteer team turnover, with 4 to 8 teachers per class working monthly

Constant learning

To achieve this, we apply the “ flipped classroom ” model, which consists of learning in 3 phases. This means that our students do activities individually before class to prepare themselves and then follow the weekend class, finishing with homework. This model is supported by Cambridge teaching materials and the entire pedagogical structure created by our teaching team so that the course fits the profile of those who study with us and so that our volunteer team has all the support to teach classes with excellence.

Aprendizado constante

Our achievements

Recognized as one of the 100 Best CSOs in Brazil, CPM was elected the Best Education CSO in Brazil in 2020 and is considered the largest and best-structured English teaching CSO in the country. In over 25 years of operation, it has trained 700 students, with the help of our volunteer team.


Currently, Cidadão Pró-Mundo has 10 Units, 7 in the state of São Paulo, 1 in the state of Rio de Janeiro and 2 online Units, Virtual and CPM Qualify.

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