
Have you ever stopped to think about how many personal and professional opportunities knowing how to speak English brings to a person?

In Brazil, only 5% of the population speaks English, which means that 95% of Brazilians will have less access to opportunities just because they don’t know this language.

CPM believes that learning English is, above all, a tool to broaden individuals’ perspectives and promote social inclusion.

How to donate?

If you want to be an agent of change in society, contributing to non-governmental organizations that promote truly transformative social actions, collaborate with our cause and be a donor to Cidadão Pró-Mundo, an institution recognized as one of the best NGOs in the education segment in Brazil.

Recurring donation

Monthly donations to CPM (cash donation, monthly donation amount defined by the donor). By donating R$30 per month, you promote social inclusion and ensure that a student is served by the NGO. 

One-off donation

One-time donation to CPM (cash donation, donation amount defined by the donor). By donating R$150, you help the NGO develop its social actions and ensure that a student is supported for 1 semester.   

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